Full Sail University School Code

Campus image of Full Sail UniversityFull Sail University operates as a four year private career college dedicated to offering a sound education for students in Winter Park and surrounding areas. Students can choose from a few areas of study, including:

In the previous year, over four thousand students graduated with a graduation rate of around 80%. Full Sail University offers more than twenty different programs available, with a Master's degree being the highest level offered. Listed below are the programs with more popularity among students:

  • Cinematography And Film
  • Commerce
  • Educational and Instructional Media Design
  • Audio and Video Production

To support students and graduates, Full Sail University may provide services including:

  • Distance learning
  • Academic counseling for students
  • Assistance to find work

Programs Offered

The program list below is organized by areas of study. The programs that have a link will direct you to the program's profile page where you can learn more about education requirements and career pathways.

(C) Certificate or Award | (A) Associate's | (B) Bachelor's | (M) Master's Degree | (D) Doctorate (PhD...)


  • Educational and Instructional Media Design (C, M)

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Interdisciplinary Studies (C)

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The average annual "out of pocket" cost of attendance, after any grants and scholarships are considered, is around $31, 300. There is also a $75 application fee for those applying to a program. The financial figures shown on this page provide information regarding costs and fees at Full Sail University, these numbers may change in a given year due to a variety of factors.

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